Saturday, June 30, 2012


Went climbing for the first time today. Hands and forearms are dead...and it feels amazing. Thankfully, a great friend, Keenan, was there to make sure things went alright and there wasn't too much climbing around aimlessly going on. Thanks again for all the advice - it fully helped. 

Looking down a beyond vertical uphill wall

Keenan heading up the crazy uphill wall

Style Points


A family member of DAK got an awesome spot working with UFC this summer. He's working his way up to being the next ring card girl...he has our vote hands down. He was even nice enough to grab the DEUCES card. Keep up the good work, you will be walking around the rings in no time.

Friday, June 29, 2012


There has always been painting, doodling, drawing, and all kinds of art associated with DAK. Here are a few paintings that have been done. Some are from YEARS ago. Enjoy. If you would ever like a personal, feel free to contact us on our contact page at


Saturday, June 16, 2012

Secret Pizza

So there is a secret pizza place at the Cosmopolitan in Las Vegas. We had to find we did. It was amazing. Have you been there?!?

Wednesday, June 13, 2012


More slaps going down. Getwidit.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Slap City

Want to spread love in your city? Let us know - we'll get you some slaps to throw around!